Why Perform A Home Inspection?
- The purpose of the home inspection is to provide a thorough visual assessment of the structure by a well-trained, experienced professional.
What is a home inspection?
- It is a thorough, in-depth visual examination of the structure and operating components of a home by an unbiased professional. Its primary objective is to uncover major defects or system inadequacies so informed decisions can be made by all parties involved.
It should not be confused with an appraisal, a municipal code inspection or a guarantee of any kind.
Who needs a home inspection?
- A Home Buyer generally benefits from an objective view of a prospective home’s condition by avoiding unwanted surprises in the form of necessary repairs, safety hazards and the long term implications of overall building integrity.
A Home Seller can also benefit from inspection information which allows them to comply with disclosure laws, correct unrealized problems before showing and prevent potential liability.
A Home Owner that didn’t get an inspection at the time of purchase can gain insight into their homes condition and acquire the information needed to maintain and preserve the home.
Is it necessary to have a brand new home inspected?
- Most definitely! The fact that a home is new means systems are factory tested but not “family tested”. Builders are generally happy to come back and repair such items when made aware. As well, any finishing touches that aren’t just right should be resolved before you start moving in – and questions arise about the source of an imperfection.
Are there any limitations to the home inspection?
- Yes – when you consider 3/4 of a homes components such as electrical, plumbing or insulation are concealed, a visual inspection of these elements is not possible. Furniture or weather conditions may further restrict the inspectors ability to view all that should be viewed. A pledge of thoroughness with all accessible parts of the property is the most any inspector can do. Any limitations will be noted in the Property Inspection Report.
Do you recommend testing for radon
Yes- radon is an invisible gas that causes lung cancer. Every home has the possibility that radon is present.